School Visits

The school visit initiative is to provide an opportunity for secondary school students to have a hands-on classroom experience and meet with our psychology lecturers directly. 

These casual visits are to build bonding with schools and offer tailored and personalized topics/talks at the suggestion of the school’s guidance counsellor or representative. At the end of this visit, we hope to support the school with necessary guidance to curb any social issues among students as well as to cultivate an interest of psychology in students.

13-15 Year Olds 

These activities are aimed for Form 1-Form 5 (for public schools) and Year 7-10 (private schools). These sessions are designed to be more introductory in nature and focus on increasing awareness about psychology and applied psychology. We can provide talks and workshops for these students covering the following topics:


  • Why study psychology? (Course Counselling)
  • Why take a psychology course in high school? (for schools that offer psychology subjects)
  • Choosing A-Level subjects (or equivalent qualifications) for psychology college and university admissions (admissions)
  • Careers in Psychology
  • Balloon Popping (Stress)

Subject-specific masterclasses:

  • Brain Model with Plasticine/PlayDoh (Biological Psychology)
  • Harlow’s Monkey (Comparative/Animal Psychology)
  • Mirror Box activity (Neuroscience/Brain Damage)
  • Stroop Effect (Cognitive Psychology)

Psychology School Convention

Every year, HELP University Department of Psychology hosts a nationwide psychology convention at our Subang 2 Campus. This full-day event is a great opportunity for local secondary school and selected pre-university institution students to discover and learn about the field of Psychology with Southeast Asia’s largest psychology department. This event will be packed with different sessions that include keynote lectures, experiential workshops, interactive booths, and games that allows students to study and explore psychology at a greater depth and breadth.

There is also a full scholarship at HELP University worth over RM90,000 up for grabs – covering one year in the Foundation program and three years in the Bachelor of Psychology (Hons) program! Affiliated schools of the top 3 winners will also receive cash prizes of RM1500, RM1000 and RM 500 respectively. 

If your school is interested in attending our upcoming Psychology School Convention event, and you have not already been in contact with us, please can contact our representative, Mr. Akshay Nair from the Department of Psychology at 03-78493000 (ext. 3212) or email

16-18 Year Olds
These activities are aimed for Year 10-12 (private schools), specifically students who are studying A-Levels, International Baccalaureate (IB), South Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT) or other equivalent pre-tertiary education qualifications. These activities are suitable as a preparation for higher education transition and kickstart your university education and experience. However, we MAY be able to accommodate for younger age groups throughout the year. 


  • Psychology at HELP University – courses and flexible pathways
  • Student life at HELP University and Subang 2 campus
  • Choosing courses and universities
  • Stress Management Interventions
  • Careers and Professions in Psychology

Subject-specific masterclasses:

  • Brain Model with Plasticine/PlayDoh (Biological Psychology)
  • Harlow’s Monkey (Comparative/Animal Psychology)
  • Mirror Box activity (Neuroscience/Brain Damage)
  • Stroop Effect (Cognitive Psychology)

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