Overview and Aims
The Center for Emotions and Positive Psychology focuses on research on discrete emotions, affective processes, and emotions-related skills. In 2018, the center broadened its focus to include research on positive emotions, psychological strengths, and traits – factors identified by the positive psychology literature that help individuals thrive and flourish. Since its formation in 2016, the center has produced numerous academic pieces for presentation at regional and international conferences, along with peer-reviewed publications and popular press articles. The center is also involved in several outreach and training projects, part of its science communication initiative aimed at conveying findings from the psychological sciences to members of the general population. The Center houses a website to feature its work at www.emotivity.my
Key Research Areas
Ongoing/Completed Research
Selected List of Publications and Research Output: Academic
Sugawara, D., Yuan, G. Masuyama, A. Ng, S.L., Phoo, E.Y.M., Raja Reza Shah, R., Kubo, T., Chishima, Y. & Tee, E.Y.J. (2021). RE-COVER project: A survey on resilience, mental health, and fear of Covid-19 in four countries. BMC Research Notes, 14, 409 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13104-021-05819-x
Wan Ali Munawar, N.I.F. & Tee, E.Y.J., (2021). The relationship between emotion regulation and well-being during the pandemic: Resilience as a mediator, in Louis, D.G.J., Kaur, S. & Cheong, H.F. (eds.). COVID-19 and Psychology in Malaysia: Psychosocial Effects, Coping, and Resilience. United Kingdom: Routledge.
Tee, E. Y. J., Raja Reza Shah, R., Thomas, K. S., Ng, S., & Mun, E. P. Y. (2021, March 24). Beyond resilience: Promotive and protective traits that facilitate recovery during crisis. PsyArXiv, https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/p2h35
Shah, R., Thomas, K.S., Ng, S.L., Phoo, E.Y.M. & Tee, E.Y.J. (2021). ‘Beyond resilience: A study of psychological strengths that facilitate recovery and growth,’ paper accepted for presentation at the 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP), 18th-23rd July 2021, Prague, Czech Republic.
Tee, E.Y.J. (2020). Uncovering the trail of positive affect in the job attitudes literature: A systematic review. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 23, 54-68. doi: 10.1111/ajsp.12398
Tang, J.C. & Tee, E.Y.J. (2020). ‘The mediating effect of optimism and self-efficacy on the relationship between hope and career readiness,’ paper accepted for presentation at the 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP), 18th-23th July 2021, Prague, Czech Republic (Poster Presentation).
Shah, R., & Tee, E.Y.J. (2019). Identifying with the In-group Increases Aggressive Tendencies against the Out-group: The Mediating Role of Schadenfreude, in Ashkanasy, N.M., Zerbe, W. & Härtel, C.E.J. (eds.). Research on Emotion in Organizations, Volume 15, 113-132. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Guo, Z.Z., Raja Reza Shah, R.I.A., Ooi, W.L., Ramis, T. & Tee, E.Y.J. (2019). ‘A Cross-cultural Comparison on Mental Toughness and Self-defeating Behaviours in North American and Malaysian Samples.’ Presented at the 2019 Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) 80th Annual National Convention, 31st May – 2nd June 2019, Halifax, Canada.
Razavi, P., Tee, E.Y.J., Sugawara, D., Lin, P., Razavi, P., Lieber, S., Niella, T., Navaja, J., Srivastava, S. & Saucier, G. (2019). Similarities and differences in the expression of six emotions in Malaysia and the US.’ Presented at the 2019 Society for Affective Science (SAS) Conference, 21st-23rd March 2019, Boston, United States.
Tee, E.Y.J. (2019). Emotions across five levels of analysis: History and frontiers, plenary presentation at the 7th ARUPS Congress: ASEAN Regional Union of Psychological Sciences and 3rd Malaysian International Psychology Conference (MIPC), 4th August 2019, Penang, Malaysia.
Tee, E.Y.J., Ramis, T., Fernandez, E.F. & Paulsen, N. (2017). Responding to Injustice: Perception, Anger, and Identification as Drivers of Collective Action, in Zerbe, W. (ed.). Research on Emotion in Organizations, Volume 13, 17-46. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Conference Papers and Presentations
Tee, E.Y.J. & Raja Reza Shah, R.I.A. (2021). ‘A broaden and build framework of self-transcendent emotions for organizational effectiveness,’ paper presented at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), 29th July-4th August 2021 (Virtual). https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/AMBPP.2021.12006abstract
Tang, J.C. & Tee, E.Y.J. (2021). ‘The mediating effect of optimism and self-efficacy on the relationship between hope and career readiness,’ paper accepted for presentation at the 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP), 18th-23rdJuly 2021, Prague, Czech Republic (Poster Presentation).
Tan, A.H.L. & Tee, E.Y.J. (2021). ‘Sceptical, apathetic, or cynical?’ Disaffection mediates the online political engagement-efficacy link, paper accepted for presentation at the 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP), 18th-23rd July 2021, Prague, Czech Republic.
Books and Popular Press
The Science of Feelings: What Psychological Research Tells Us About Our Emotions. Sunway University Press. ISBN: 978-967-5492-21-1.
Mindfulness and Emotions: Understanding your Mind and the Benefits of Being Present (2019), with Sandy Clarke. MPH Publishing. ISBN: 978-967-415-510-0. This book is also available on Amazon Kindle at http://bit.ly/Mindfulness-Emotions-US.
Of Bromances and Biting Cute Babies: Questions about Emotions You (Probably) Never Thought of Asking (2018), with Tsee Leng Choy, PhD. Inspiration Hub. ISBN: 978-967-0730-30-1.
Popular Press Articles
Outreach: Events/Training
Members of the Center for Emotions and Positive Psychology have conducted training sessions, talks, workshop and webinars for the following organizations:
Webinars, Podcasts and/or Miscellaneous Engagements
Associate Professor Dr Eugene YJ Tee (HELP University): teeyj@help.edu.my
Ms Raja Intan Arifah binti Raja Reza Shah (HELP University)
Ms Sybella Ng (ThinkInt)
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