Meet Wei Lin

Hi! A warm greeting to all of you reading this   My name is Wei Lin, and I graduated from the HELP’s Bachelor of Psychology (Hons) program in 2018. 

Right after completing my studies, I took up the position as a graduate tutor under the Department of Psychology for a year. It was a wonderful year as far as I could recall; lots of laughter in the office and fun guiding brilliant students down the path into becoming future psychology graduates.

Fast forward to the present, I am currently an aspiring speech pathology graduate studying at the University of Melbourne, Australia. 

Yes, you read that right, SPEECH PATHOLOGY. Have you heard of us before? 🙂 

In Malaysia, we’re better known as speech therapists, or speech-language therapists. My job involves working with people across the lifespan who have communication and swallowing difficulties. It’s a young and emerging field in Malaysia, and a very exciting one too!

You might be thinking, okay cool, but what does psychology has to do with speech pathology? Let me tell you.

As a speech pathologist, first and foremost it is necessary to develop strong reflective skills to continually grow and develop as a better clinician. Throwback to all the undergraduate assignments that required me to constantly reflect on various aspects of my life; I was very well equipped and consistently impressed all my clinical educators a.k.a supervisors with my strong reflective skills throughout my journey as a speech pathologist (thank you psych lecturers!).

And then there were subjects like biopsychology, neuropsychology, developmental psychology, and learning disabilities – just to name a few. In fact, each and every subject imparted valuable knowledge that could be applied in the field of speech pathology. For example, learning about the brain (biopsych), motor disorders (neuropsych), attachment theories (dev psych), or even dyslexia (LD) – there’s just so much I can’t possibly list them all (actually I could, but it would be a thesis-long essay then!). On top of it all, I am incredibly grateful to have picked up research skills because they sure came in handy when I conducted an independent study/thesis at UniMelb. Allow me to present you with my thesis topic – You Sound Depressed: Speech as A Biomarker for Depression. This was a study that looked into the key indicators of depression in speech, and I couldn’t be happier working on a study that combined two meaningful areas that I am extremely passionate about.

If you’re interested to learn more about speech pathology or how applicable psychology can be in work/daily life, drop me an email at and I’d be happy to have a chat with you. To (prospective and current) students reading this, I wish you all the best in your endeavour! To fellow alumni, let’s connect on LinkedIn – here’s my profile.

Take care, stay safe, and may you be well and happy always! 🙂

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